Figure 35. The berm running parallel with the western boundary fence may have stopped soil creep down slope.
Figure 40. Juniperus trees and irises planted along the western boundary of McCree Cemetery.
Figure 8. Fallen grave markers set flat in concrete (Section A, Row M, Grave 50 [marker on the left] and Section A, Row M, Grave 51 [marker on the right]).
Figure 7. Grave stone broken and fallen over at McCree Cemetery (Section B, Row A, Grave 35 [marker on the left] and Section B, Row A, Grave 33 and 34 [marker on the right]).
Figure 6. Grave marker with a lamb motif (note portion of the lamb is broken) (Section A, Row F, Grave 5).
Figure 5. Grave marker with the Supreme Forest Woodman Circle seal and heaven’s gates with a star (Section A, Row G, Grave 7).
Figure 4. Grave marker with Woodman of the World seal (Section A, Row H, Grave 2).